Thursday 19 September 2019

Favourite Wargame Figures?

Today's post by Tradgardmastare, featuring his Gondor Army (see here ), got me reminiscing about my old collection of MiniFigs Mythical Earth figures.
I think that they are almost certainly my favourite Wargames' figures, and definitely the most used. During the mid to late 1970s many , many games were played, either solo or against school friends who also collected these charming toys, featuring the Armies of Good and Evil and often involving the siege of an Airfix Roman Fort. Most people were using the proto-fantasy rules featured in the back of WRG Ancients version 4(?) or Wizards and Warfare by Peter Irving, which I had - it cost the princely sum of 50 New Pence, which was quite a lot considering the cost of MiniFigs Infantry was about 7p each.

By modern standards they are not fantastic pieces of sculpture, but the limited amount of pocket money available meant that each purchase involved hours thinking about which figures to buy, consulting the adverts in Military Modelling and writing wish-lists, and this added to the pleasure of owning them.
That's probably enough waxing lyrical by me for one day. Do you have a favourite range of wargame figures??