Tuesday 21 May 2024


On Sunday there was a small window of opportunity for a game, squeezed in between domestic duties and watching the Queen Stage of the Giro d'Italia. The RISK armies were employed to fight a battle based on Scenario 10 from Scenarios for All Ages; The Important Bridge. The single built up area is The Bridge Inn and its surrounding out-houses.

Armies Red and Blue both need to capture the bridge. The River is fordable at each end and by using the bridge. The rules were OHW Horse & Musket but with the 3 hit variant (HERE). The Armies were larger than a usual OHW game making the simpler to record variant very useful. The objective is total control of the bridge after 15 turns.

Initial positions of the opposing forces

Action immediately begins North of the river

Red fords the river to the East, Blue attempts to counter this

Blue begins to dominate the centre 

Late in the day, Red might just out flank Blue...

At turn 12 Army Red runs out of viable units and concedes