Monday 17 July 2017

A New Appointment


King Alonso IV of Messaline (a mountainous country East of Illyria) had four sons. The first as heir was trained for Kingship; the second was appointed Archbishop and the third ran the military. But what to do with the awkward fourth son? The King did not want a spare heir to the throne kicking his heals at court, possibly open to the insidious suggestions of plotters. Then one spring a solution presented itself. The Northern province of Vallefelice had a problem with the Undead. What better role for the unemployed Prince Orsino than the long-vacant post of Lich Finder General?

Vallefelice is a narrow valley hemmed in by the high dark mountains known as the Denti del Diavolo. The height of the surrounding peaks means it generally sees only a few hours of real daylight; it is dark and has an oppressive atmosphere, and is cut-off from the outside world during the Winter. Despite it now being the 17th Century, the people of Vallefelice resemble something from the Middle Ages. The population is now living in terror having recently been plagued by ghostly figures and animated corpses who have attacked the unwary.
A couple of games have been played using 2d6 Sword & Sorcery (free from Two Hour Wargames) adjusted slightly to include movement on a grid (1" then 3" grids have been tried) and using a table to create random encounters that I feel suit the context.
Game 1
A blurry (sorry) picture of the team - L to R Sgt Cooperson, Prince Orsino, Cpl Moth
The Team tackling some skeletons and prevailing, huzzah!
The Prince meets Tom the Goat Boy (and a goat)
Game 2

Possible encounters are marked with coins
The first appears to be nothing
The second is a peasant on his way home
The final encounter is with a wraith. The Prince fights it alone, destroying it but being wounded; end of game.



  1. Nice background, those pesky 4th sons eh?. And you have used the most noble of scales for the minis too (gotta love those ceaser undead!). Great stuff sir!.

  2. Thanks! Yes 20mm is my favourite size for toy soldiers too.
