Saturday 21 October 2017

Nano Campaign - Two Tribes Part 3

Game Features

The same as Part 2.


Vindicatus himself led the Southern prong of the Lunares' invasion South. Two more villages stood between him and the next fording point across the Great River and he was aware that it was only a matter of time before word of their incursion reached Divios, Chief of the Solarii.

Game 3 - More of the same

The Solarii defence was really a re-run of Game 2; leave some units in the village whilst trying to outflank the attackers. Again they held on to the last, despite reaching Exhaustion Point (50% casualties) by the end of Turn 6 of 15, meaning they could only defend.
Starting positions

Fighting on the flanks end Turn 2
Rear guard action plus start of the meat grinding centre end of Turn 4
Red reaches EP end of Turn 6
Desperate defence end of Turn 10
End of Turn 15 Blue Victory given (only just)
The surviving Solarii Cavalry were able to escape the field and rode South to the Hillfort of Chief Divios to raise the alarm. Vindicatus moved West to meet up with the remnants of the army featured in Game 2 and attack the third village.


  1. The blues are on a roll!, looking forward to the reds revenge given the escaping cav?!. Again great to see these no-faff games in action, shows us all how far a little imagination can go.

  2. Thanks Mr Sprinks. There's imagination a-plenty here at Maudlin Heights, though most of it doesn't get acted upon.
