Saturday 18 November 2017

Colonial Skirmish

Some 70 years before the Action at Twin Farms, the Colonial Army of Albiona is fighting an insurrection. Captain Carruthers leads a force of infantry to investigate a farm that is rumoured to be the meeting place of local rebels...

A Farmer contemplates building a second farmhouse...

"I remember this when it was all just open MDF.."

Martini Henry rifles open the skirmish

The Left flank

Casualties mount as the enemy advance

The enemy scale the wall and begin to cut down the infantry

Things are not going well on the left flank either

Disaster! The Captain is slain

The last man standing on the Albionan side..


  1. A nice period to play, and your figures are splendid!

    1. Thanks Phil. I haven't played with these figures for many years - the late 19th Century is full of possibilities for games of all sizes.

  2. Nice looking game mate, I guess the rebellion goes on.

  3. This may not look good in the morning papers but it looks good from here.

  4. Looks good!

    This made me laugh
    "I remember this when it was all just open MDF.." :D

    1. It must be something to do with getting old, but I'm beginning to talk like that too..!
