Sunday 28 April 2019

Introducing... the Sons of the Desert

No! Not them

That's more like it

A brief flurry of activity

A bit like buses everywhere, nothing happens for ages then two of them come along at once. Well I had a little time to spare; this afternoon I intend to view (read fall asleep in front of) some of the famous Liege-Bastogne-Liege cycle race so a game had to be squeezed in this morning as I had some table space to myself for a change.

Another Action in Albionian Uqbal (Portable Wargame)

The continent of Uqbal is the setting for another Imagi-Colonial game...

The tired column approach a watering hole
What's this coming over the dunes? The Sons of the Desert..
AND hill-tribesmen! Infamy - they've joined forces!!
Camelry in action - infantry get the hump (apologies)
Screaming hordes outflank the Colonial forces
Carnage ensues 
Exhaustion Point for the Imperial troops
A captured gun as prize for the Desert Tribe
The Cavalry are finally defeated on the Right flank
Both sides reach Exhaustion Point - the battle is over

A Sinister Development

An officer from the Independent Kingdom of Uqbalistan, still considered a puppet state, has been spotted by Albionian spies in talks with chiefs of the Hill and Desert tribes. There may be more trouble ahead..?


  1. Another fine mess! No, not the minis, they look great!
    Can't go wrong with Laurel and Hardy though. Have you seen their movie, Beau Hunks?

    1. Thanks! I do remember that film. They used to show Laurel & Hardy films on TV during the holidays when I was a child!

  2. Surely the British know that ambushes are traditional at watering holes?!. Great action Jack!.

    1. Thanks Mr Sprinks - how are you Keeping?

    2. All good ta Jack, Fug over I think. Just blogged for the first time in aaagggeeessss so must be o.k.!. Yourself?.

  3. How splendid.. are those wonderful Irregular figures?

  4. All Irregular indeed, except for the Officer in the Fez in the last picture who's from Redoubt

  5. Very cool. Thanks for the battle report! What sort of model/manufacturer are those desert tribesmen?

    1. Thankyou! The desert warriors are by Irregular Miniatures from their 28mm WW1 range

  6. Ah, I now understand what was meant by Irregular miniatures earlier. (googling "irregular miniatures" on it's own caused confusion) Thanks for the clarification! Looking forward to future posts from you. :D
