Friday 3 January 2020

Really up the junction

Source of the featured Scenario

In his Guide to Solo Wargaming (1988 Argus Books), the late Stuart Asquith (SA) included some intriguing scenarios. The following is my attempt at one of these, Francs-Tireurs.

I have set the scenario in my imaginary continent of Uqbal where local tribesmen are attempting to disrupt the Colonists' communications by sabotaging a railway junction. SA set the original in the Franco-Prussian War (hence his title Francs-Tireurs, as they are the irregulars attacking the railway).
The junction is guarded by a contingent of Light Infantry from Albionia's primary colony, Indra. They are based in a Storage Depot with one man on guard. Each turn 1d6 is rolled; on a score of 5 or 6 the sentry will notice the approaching attacking force.

Note on Rules 
SA provides some very simple rules but only in outline. I have attempted to keep as close as possible to the spirit of these - where decisions have to be made, eg can an Infantryman in the building fire on a particular man outside, the answer is left to the discretion of the player. 
The Rules

The starting position for pairs of attackers was rolled for. In Game 1 they all started at the West side of the board. The Storage Depot was described by SA as "a quite large if somewhat ruinous affair" perhaps suggesting it had been attacked before. SA's plan of the game also included some huts (omitted) and coal storage bunkers. The latter were included in Game 1 but changed to a wall in Game 2 to allow more cover for the attackers. The principle target is the points; a charge can be set on the points if 2 men can spend 2 turns on them without being in melee or shot.

 First Game
Layout Game 1


Attackers approach, alarm still not raised

Finally spotting the attack the sentry runs for the depot

Firing at the rear

An attack on the doorway fails at first

Then succeeds

The last guard is killed
Second Game 
Opening positions

The sentry spots the approaching tribesmen

Fire fight underway

The sentry falls

Guards are kept busy whilst the chief heads for the points

Placing the charges

Running for cover before...

Kaboom! (special effects by MaudlinFX)

A fun scenario that could be played in any period that has railways. It would perhaps benefit from slightly more sophisticated rules but the simple ones suited me for a quick game or two.


  1. That's a lot of game for minimal rules.i do find simple rules more fun these days, gives more room for the narrative to lead the game rather than the rulebook. I love the special effects too!.😁

    1. Cheers Mr Sprinks. I have to agree regarding the rules. It's all about the story. The FX, like my model-making are minimal.

  2. Excellent - I noticed this scenario in Stuart's Solo Wargames Book and have it in on the list for 2020. It will be interesting to see how mine plays out later this year.

    1. Thanks Mark. It's a cracking little book. Looking forward to seeing how you play it - it cries out for Airfix cowboys...

  3. My compliment to you on the game and on pushing the technical boundaries of special effects. :-)

    Regards, Chris

    1. Thanks Chris! The photo viewer on Windows 10 has made it possible for the artistically challenged to do terrible things to digital photographs.
