Saturday 30 May 2020

TD Campaign Game 3 - Brigade B's attack blasts off (Part 1)


The main thrust of General Karloff's campaign was to send Brigade B (reinforced by his own command, Brigade C) rapidly across country to capture the strategic town of Cololes. Unfortunately, news of their movements reached the Commander of Violace's forces in Cololes who rushed his own Brigade south to cut off the enemy before they could cross the Rio Kia.

Game set-up and Objectives

The game featured two brigades that were slightly larger than I've used before whilst playing the Portable Napoleonic Wargame rules. Many wargamers would, I think, recognise the scenario (in the orthodox version the hill on the left would be a small pile of Tradition magazines, and there would be a Bellona cottage next to the ploughed field). 
The force from Amarela (yellow) was commanded by Brigadier Don Corndorg (who just before the battle started had an unfortunate accident, falling from the table and separating from his base - a bad omen?). The brigade from Violace (violet) was led by Brigadier Soubiso. 
The objectives of the two commanders were; Soubiso must hold both ends of the bridge at the end of turn 12, or when both sides reach EP, so that sappers can blow it up. Don Corndorg must stop the bridge being destroyed so that General Karloff's Brigade and baggage train can easily cross the Rio Kia. the river is fordable (at reduced speed) for 3 squares in from each edge, but not around the bridge itself.

Battle report to follow in part 2...


  1. Nice scenario Jack, I like the inclusion of a fordable river, should give both sides plenty to think about.

    1. Cheers Mr Sprinks - thanks to Messrs Young & Lawford for the scenario!

  2. A very interesting scenario which I can't remember), with plenty of challenging decisions by both sides.

    1. It's Blasthof Heath from Charge! Joe, sometimes known as Blasthof Bridge.
