Wednesday 29 July 2020

Frivolity and a Recommendation

Whilst rooting around in the piles of stuff I call my Toybox I chanced upon this old model steam launch I'd made years ago. So I took a frivolous picture of it. I call her The Heart of Darkness:

"Then there was Phillips, the Chief. It might have been my mission, but it sure as shit was the Chief's boat"

On a less frivolous note, I recommend you visit the following blog ( click HERE ) which is being penned by Johnny Danger. Mr. Danger is undertaking an ECW Campaign in 6mm using The Portable Wargame, and jolly good it is too.


  1. This vessel could stand in as the African Queen too.

    1. Hi Jonathan. Yes it was made to be that style of boat - I was toying around with a Victorian Colonial theme that ended up morphing into Victorian Steam-Punk/Sci-fi!!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Phil (J'espere les vacs se passent bien!)

  3. Replies
    1. True - I hadn't thought of an evacuation type game; nice idea!

  4. It may be a bit plain, but it does the job - I've used much worse for representtinng naval forces.

    1. I think it was Katherine Hepburn in The Philadelphia Story who said "My, she was yar!"
