Wednesday 2 February 2022

Fast Play PW Skirmish type game

Mardigan over at Brush & Battle posted a 3 x 3 PW game featuring a skirmish type battle between some Medieval figures which caught my imagination. Another rapid lunchtime game was required (by the way, today's soup was Leek & Potato).

Back of an envelope rules were dreamt up.

Army Red, led by Sir Wilfrid of Bramble consisted of a Leader (Sir Wilfrid), 2 Men at Arms, a Master Archer and a Peasant (pressed into service at sword point).
Army Blue was led by Sir Richard D'Astard-Leigh, who was joined by a Sergant, a Man at Arms, an Archer and a Peasant. 

The objective was to either kill the opponents leader (at which point his force would run away) or have a unit at the enemy's baseline for 2 turns (thus giving any units in the Reserve Area a chance to fight back).

Red's Master Archer lurks in the trees

To explain the combat in the foreground, units have joined in the same square for close combat (see Bob's post of today HERE); Blue has rolled a 4 but gets a +1 for the Sergeant and a +1 for having support ie 6; Red has rolled a 2 and gets +1 for support ie 3. So Red take a hit.

At this point Sir Richard had almost lost the fight

But he fought back, killing the enemy Man at Arms into the bargain

And then slaying Sir Wilfrid! The Master Archer meanwhile had finally woken up and started shooting folk

A fun-packed 30 minutes and thanks to Mardigan for the idea! This could easily be expanded to include mounted figures.

Red's General is a bad loser


  1. Wow! This a game on a VERY SMALL footprint.

  2. 6 inch square! I haven't made a bigger board yet for the Fast play Game!

  3. I think having units in close combat enter the same square solves a lot of the issues I had keeping track of combat in my game! It expands the board as well, and prevents archers from firing into melees without hitting their own troops. Genius! I may steal your unit list from the top, it is much more sophisticated than mine (and easier to read). Thanks for the shout-out!

    1. Please do use it - it's a mix of your ideas and mine for the Fast Play PW after all!

  4. Another great addition to the fast-growing FP3x3PW concept!

    I’ve wanted to see a skirmish version of the original PW game, and you’ve developed an excellent 3 x 3 version that could easily be used on a bigger board.

    All the best,


    1. I think the SP value works as well for a single man as it does for a unit in the PW so really you've written a Skirmish game already Bob!

  5. I like this idea a lot and will be giving it a try.

    1. Cheers Mark. Perhaps we should have a whole Blog for the FP PW??

  6. Another inspiring game. I will definitely have to try this with my 2mm forces (a big little battle if you will). I feel if you do another luncheon game you may need to provide more info on the soup situation!.

    1. Thanks Mr Sprinks. A soup update may have to be added to the side-bar...

  7. Great fun game , l really ought to have a go at the three by three. I’m quite fancying a go at skirmish PW too

  8. Thanks Tradgardmastare. I think there's loads of scope for rules for Skirmish PW - Bob could probably produce another Book!

  9. "Little man, I am going to eat you!"

    Sounds like it worked.

    1. The game worked right up to the point when the wee timorous beastie joined the fun; fortunately the battle was done.

  10. This system works really well for a skirmish game with many uses imho.

    1. I agree Joe, especially for this sort of fight with little maneuvering
