Monday 31 July 2023

War of the Valvicon Enclave; an OHW Mini Campaign Pt. the last

 The Army of Sutura, having failed to capture the Valvicon Enclave, began to beat a weary retreat. Marching towards the border they confront a disorganized force determined to block their path. The defenders are less in number but more troops are on the way. The Suturans must get to the crossroads before them.

OHW 27: Disordered Defence

Note: In this game the trees do not represent woodland but are there to break up the flat board!

The Suturans break through the disorganized defensive lines and head for the crossroads

however at midday the Valvicon reinforcements arrive blocking their enemy's route.

The fight for the crossroads is costly for both sides

and eventually they fight themselves to a standstill. 

Despite achieving the objective of the scenario, the Suturan Army was in no state to capture the enclave from a still numerically stronger enemy and a hostile population. The survivors of the invasion force were therefore allowed to leave and the Emir was left wondering what he should do next.


  1. …left on a knife edge there, MJT ..”wondering what to do next….”. Sounds like it ain’t over yet….πŸ™‚

    1. Well there is another Martin Smith Mini Campaign I haven't tried yet...

    2. …and so the War of the Valvicon Enclave rumbles on. Long, niggling conflicts were a historical ‘thing’, possibly more so than decisive knockouts, so ‘unfinished business’ seems quite appropriate πŸ™‚.
      Good to see the Risk armies again. A lovely looking board and pieces πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ.

  2. It seems as if this conflict remains unresolved, perhaps a second campaign is in the offing?

    1. These things never seem quite resolved! I still haven't tried your second Mini Campaign

    2. Mark - apologies the above was meant for Martin and the reply to Martin was meant for you! My eyesight is getting worse!!

  3. This has been a fun campaign. Is there an on-line article or blog post giving more information about 'Martin Smith Mini-Campaigns'? They look to be an interesting idea!

    1. Cheers.
      I'll ask Martin if I can post the instructions David. The first one I did included the matrix at the bottom of the post ( see )

    2. David, MJT’s next post covers this…and if you have access to eg ‘AMW and other Neil Thomas Rules’ site all three are in the One Hour Wargames subsection of the files, including as three pdf’s.

  4. I like that bothe ofrces can claim bragging rights to a very lethal conflict.
