Sunday 14 July 2024


 Attempting to extricate themselves from their  incursion into the Kingdom of Uqbal, the Albionian force is marching West towards their own territory. As the road passes between a densely wooded area and a small lake, they stumble across a force of tribesmen. 

To achieve a victory, the Albionian Army of Uqbal (AAU) must clear the road of the tribesmen (who are in the pay of the Kingdom of Uqbalistan (KU)). This objective is achieved if there are no KU troops either on the road or in a grid adjacent to it. Only a single unit of tribesmen (skirmishers) and no Albionians are able to enter the wood. The lake is too deep to ford. The lack of space to manoeuvre is likely to cause a bottleneck on the road. 

Game 2 Bottleneck

The Albionians arrive ready for action (having good scouts helps)

"Clear the road you fellows"

At this point I just want to mention the Albionain Artillery battery who were completely hopeless; even when they got a bonus for not having moved they could only manage to hit a few defenseless trees. The Artillery Officer has been persuaded to resign his commission.

Cavalry charge Camelry

The Tribesmen stoically hold their ground

Midday the fire fight grinds on

With the treeline finally cleared the Albionians press forward

but can't get enough men into the gap

and reach Exhaustion Point with Tribesmen still adjacent to the road

The AAU has suffered another set back.

 Campaign Scoreboard: KU 3 AAU 0


  1. A very interesting scenario that goes to prove that Colonial wargames are not always one-sided! The Natives fought well and achieved a moral as well as physical victory.

    All the best,


    1. Cheers Bob. This is a scenario I've tried with different periods and the outcome can be different despite the bottleneck.

  2. Things are looking grim for the Expeditionary force. Looks like they will need to find another way home. Perhaps it wasn't all the fault of the artillery commander. Maybe dud shells supplied by an unscrupulous contractor? I think an inquiry is called for...

    1. Certainly not an auspicious start for His Majesty's overseas forces. The military police are currently investigating the artillery failure - a certain d6 is helping them with their enquiries.

  3. ‘Promote the artillery commander sideways’ is one solution…maybe there’s an opening in the supply train? 🙂
    Another tough fight for the Albionians, and impressive resistance by the KU allied tribes ✔️

    1. There was talk of a very hands on role in the horse artillery stables...

  4. I say chaps, that was a frightfully poor show. Let’s pick ourselves up, dust ourselves down and have at it again with “Johnny Forriner” and teach them a lesson that they won’t forget. Hurrah ⚔️⚔️
    Let’s see if the forces of Albionia can turn this situation around.

    1. Let's hope so! There will certainly be a change of dice for the next game...
