Tuesday 16 July 2019

Sprinks' Oldhammer Challenge - Complete (and Extended)

By way of introduction

Sprinks (aka Thrifty Git) set a challenge back in May (that long ago??). As a reminder, as it was a long time ago, the challenge was to purchase and prepare an Army in the Oldhammer (original Warhammer) style for approximately £30.00 sterling, or local equivalent and to have it combat ready before August.

So having invested just over £20.00 (including P&P) on a 10mm size Medieval Army from those fine fellows at Irregular Miniatures I give you a completed Bretonian Army in the Oldhammer style (I think) before August.

The Army comprises, One General (and standard), 2 bases of Knights, 2 bases of Mounted Sergeants, two bases of Men at Arms and 2 bases of armoured crossbowmen.

The next stage

I could just put the little Army aside now but that would be too easy. As I have a pile of 10mm figures from some earlier (unfinished!) projects, I'm going to grow my Bretonian force, acquire an enemy army and probably write some Oldhammer Lite rules. What fun! Thanks Mr Sprinks for yet another Wargaming project!
Here's the first addition
The Green Knight - known for losing his head.

Sunday 14 July 2019

The Quests of Brin the Barbarian v1.1

I have finally got round to adding the Sorcery section to the Quests of Brin the Barbarian rules (see side-bar). It does require a bit of recording I'm afraid which I know isn't to everyone's taste. Here's some photos of the test gaming.

Game 1

The enigmatic Wizard in the Woods is out for a stroll when

he is attacked by two reckless Forest Orcs

The Orc with the axe is momentarily paralysed with an Evil Eye curse

The second Orc attacks

and is blasted by a Fireball

The Wizard uses a blast of raw magic to destroy the other Orc

Game 2

A long dead Sorcerer has been brought back to Undeadness by a rouge Necromancer. Brin has been tasked with destroying this monster. 

The Sorcerer in his animated mummy form

As Brin arrives a spell causes skeleton warriors to emerge from the ground

Having made short work of the Skellies, Brin approaches the Creature..

who promptly vanishes to return in another game.

Saturday 13 July 2019

Quick "Close War" game


A bit like decorating, it's the preparation of wargames that seems to take all the time. Actually Wargames are nothing like decorating; I loath decorating at the best of times. Anyway, I'm rambling like a prospective Prime Minister avoiding the question.
Todays quick game was a Featherstonesque Close War. A few old figures were grabbed from the toybox and hurled into action...


A patrol is bringing a defector back to Divisional HQ for debriefing but to do so they must pass through a valley crawling with local tribesmen bent on killing the traitor and as many of the colonial overlords as possible. I couldn't find my Rolls Royce Armoured Car so used a Saladin instead.

The patrol starts entering the valley

The ambushers cannot be spotted until they open fire

The firing begins
Some natives get restless and a melee ensues
The cross fire has taken its toll but the chaps push on through the valley

In true Maudlin style, the Armoured Car missed everything it fired at. With hind sight the natives should have just run out and overwhelmed the column instead of taking cover as they were perfectly safe. The patrol and its charge escaped and the valley was left to the goats

Sunday 7 July 2019

Holding the line

I haven't had much time for wargaming recently; this is mainly due to exercise. During the summer months I try to do a few charity cycles (one was last weekend and there are a few more lined up) so I'm forced to venture outside into the fresh air and do a bit of training so as not to appear completely ridiculous in front of a load of other middle aged men (and a few women) all of whom are far fitter than me. Moaning (and cramp) aside, it's all for charity so it must be a good thing. Did manage to squeeze a quick game in this morning, however.

Artists impression of your humble author


In this game I returned to war-torn Uqbal in the 1950s. The forces of the People's Democratic Front (Green) have launched another attack on the territory held by the pro-government Democratic Party of Free Uqbal (Tan). Green's objective is to break through the enemy's defensive position. The DPFU's reinforcements are on the way but unusually heavy rains in the area have held them up and they arrive piece-meal during the first half of the game. the game is 15 turns long or will end when both sides' reach exhaustion point. Bob Cordery's Portable War Game rules were used. Note: I think there must be something wrong with my dice, or my soldier's eyesight is as bad as mine.

The Game

Start - Army Tan have 2 units dug in holding the line
Army Green attacks
on both flanks
Close up of the defenders - those bendy rifles probably aren't too accurate
Green's advance reaches its high-water mark
The arrival of a Saracen Armoured car pushes back Green's attack
Green's Recoiless Rifle manages to a put a dent in the Saracen but otherwise they have stalled

Despite Tan reaching EP by turn 13, Green failed to break through the defenders