Tuesday 16 July 2019

Sprinks' Oldhammer Challenge - Complete (and Extended)

By way of introduction

Sprinks (aka Thrifty Git) set a challenge back in May (that long ago??). As a reminder, as it was a long time ago, the challenge was to purchase and prepare an Army in the Oldhammer (original Warhammer) style for approximately £30.00 sterling, or local equivalent and to have it combat ready before August.

So having invested just over £20.00 (including P&P) on a 10mm size Medieval Army from those fine fellows at Irregular Miniatures I give you a completed Bretonian Army in the Oldhammer style (I think) before August.

The Army comprises, One General (and standard), 2 bases of Knights, 2 bases of Mounted Sergeants, two bases of Men at Arms and 2 bases of armoured crossbowmen.

The next stage

I could just put the little Army aside now but that would be too easy. As I have a pile of 10mm figures from some earlier (unfinished!) projects, I'm going to grow my Bretonian force, acquire an enemy army and probably write some Oldhammer Lite rules. What fun! Thanks Mr Sprinks for yet another Wargaming project!
Here's the first addition
The Green Knight - known for losing his head.


  1. Very nice indeed sir. These do look superb.

    1. Thanks Sir Duc. I'm looking forward to gaming with them, once I've painted another Army!

  2. A good looking army within the budget. The choice of 10mm has worked out well.

    1. Thanks Peter - I must admit once I started trying to paint them I started wishing I'd gone for 20mm! My eyesight (even helped by lenses) just isn't what it was!

  3. Yikes, I thought it was by the end of August.. nice work on the teeny chaps. I had better post about my glacial progress for the challenge.

    1. Springinsfeld - Reading it again I think it's just "August" so you've got plenty of time!

  4. I have some 10mm metal knights for Warmaster that I bought for a Warmaster project that lays dorment. I believe they are Bertonian mounted knights. If interesyed let me know and they are yours.

    1. That's very generous John. I have an email address in my profile comment if you want to drop me a line.

  5. Wow beautiful army Jack, great work to get them done so quick!. I am still lagging behind with my guys. I am in the same boat as far as gaming goes,I have had to order another force so I can get them table bound!.

    1. Thanks Mr Sprinks! I'm enjoying this project.

  6. Well done geting through the challende and also having the opportunity to us older figures is a bonus.

    1. Cheers Joe! I've actually got interested in the Warhammer World - as long as I don't have to buy the figures or stick to their rules
