Sunday 14 July 2019

The Quests of Brin the Barbarian v1.1

I have finally got round to adding the Sorcery section to the Quests of Brin the Barbarian rules (see side-bar). It does require a bit of recording I'm afraid which I know isn't to everyone's taste. Here's some photos of the test gaming.

Game 1

The enigmatic Wizard in the Woods is out for a stroll when

he is attacked by two reckless Forest Orcs

The Orc with the axe is momentarily paralysed with an Evil Eye curse

The second Orc attacks

and is blasted by a Fireball

The Wizard uses a blast of raw magic to destroy the other Orc

Game 2

A long dead Sorcerer has been brought back to Undeadness by a rouge Necromancer. Brin has been tasked with destroying this monster. 

The Sorcerer in his animated mummy form

As Brin arrives a spell causes skeleton warriors to emerge from the ground

Having made short work of the Skellies, Brin approaches the Creature..

who promptly vanishes to return in another game.


  1. Excellent.
    Don't you just hate it when damn wizards go for a supposed 'stroll' in your forest; next thing, you've lost two members of your orc tribe DOH!

    Aye...that Brin, I have a feeling there is more to his story than meets the eye...
    (wibbly wobbly sound effect as we look at the backstory...)

  2. Thankyou. I can tell that you're itching to get some Fantasy gaming underway...

    1. Absolutely yes.
      I've just been watching 'The Sword and the Sorceror' with the riff trax on Amazon prime (a gem of horribleness from the 80s)
      The riff trax really make that movie.

    2. Sounds like good stuff - big hair and chainmail bikinis I guess?!

    3.'ve seen it then lol

  3. I am glad you added magic. I will give the additional rules a go. Great old school figures in this post.

    1. Thanks tradgardmastre, I value any input, additional spells or ideas

  4. Everything's better with magic!. Great post Jack, I will have to have a crack at the rules soon.

    1. Cheers Mr Sprinks. Interested to see your take on this.

  5. Fun looking low figure count games and I love the sculpting of those orcs! Just checked out your rules - you've inspired me to break out my fantasy minis.

    1. Cheers John. Those Orcs were from Miniature Figurines' Valley of the Four Winds range (late 1970s). It's a fantastic set of figures many of which are back in production at a bit of a high price, though with Sterling being weak...

  6. Who need complicated volumes of rules and books of ammendments when a simple scenario can be just as effective !
    greta to see the progress of a set of rules.

    1. For me simple is best, and rather essential as I don't get much gaming time, plus I'm getting a bit forgetful in my dotage!

  7. Nice looking little games, beautiful scenery...and minis!

    1. Thank you Phil. The minis are all old Miniature Figurines from the 1970s apart from the skeletons that are Caesar Miniatures plastic figures.

  8. Wonderful battle reports! Love your miniatures and terrain. Cheers, Karl
