Sunday 1 March 2020

Lack of Productivity Update

Even though February was longer (and stormier) than usual, here at Maudlin Towers there has been a definite dearth in the hobby department. I have half-written (and ditched) a set of Campaign Rules - far too complicated and bogged down by Lines of Communication and Attrition Calculations - and done precious little else, after what was, for me, quite a productive Christmas/New Year period. A far simpler rule set will follow.

The one bright note - I have sorted and started tentatively basing some of the figures kindly donated by Ross Mac (see here). The following I have named the Brigadier General; he's a delightful conversion and will lead the Guards (who are currently being based in the house style and given a coat of varnish). Note, his horse has lost it's tail. I was going to replace it but decided against as there could be a story behind this caudal calamity - perhaps an enemy cannon ball removed the appendage; there by hangs a tale (or rather, it doesn't).

Hopefully March will bring some table top action. Until next time, happy gaming.

A trick of the tail...


  1. No need to apologize! Good to see you getting back into action. Nice figure from Ross!

    1. Thanks Jonathan - how's the leg? Any cycling on the horizon?

    2. Been out of cast for nearly two weeks. Trying to slowly build up strength on the stationary bike. Short sessions with still much swelling and pain. This may be a long process...

  2. I do like the Ross figure, it looks great.

  3. I've always considered just sitting and thinking about wargaming topics, (whether it is rules, campaings. painting schedules or whatever)is progress enough ome days. So I woundn't be disheartened by your efforts this last month.
    Fpr indpiration, take a look at the board game "Soldier King", for the basis
    of a campaign system (and reason for the campaing). It's the game I based my long lasting 7YW campaign on.
    The general is an excellent addition too btw

    1. Cheers Joe - I'll have to look out for that game as it's not one I know.

    2. Sadly I'd imagine it's well out of print, but Boardgamegamegeek should give you all the info you'll need.

    3. Early 1980s; a very enjoyable time I know as I can't remember most of it!

  4. I know the feeling Sir, having sat on bigger all hobby output for feb too. I'm sure you will be suitably inspired before you know it.

    1. Cheers Mr Sprinks - The will is there but the time isn't!

  5. That's a lovely miniature. Cheers, Karl

    1. Thanks Karl. Hopefully there will be more of pictures of Ross's donated miniatures following this month!

  6. If in doubt, undercoat!

  7. A lovely figure, no doubt!
