Pre-battle Situation & Game set-up (bit wordy I'm afraid)
After the battle of Santa Theresa In Isolamenta, Brigadier Albertos reassembled the remains of his Brigade, the unscathed and wounded that were still capable of fighting, and waited a short while for reinforcements. He then pressed on in pursuit of the retreating force from Violace, hoping to catch up and destroy it before it could reach the town of Vizalves. His reiforcements included a battalion of Elite Guards (black unit) and topped up the other units of the brigade to nearly full numbers.
The retreating brigade of Violace, crossing a small but fast running river, turned to face the enemy at the village of Santa Maria In Cognita. They too received reinforcements, hastily marched up from Vizalves. These included an additional squadron of cavalry and a battalion of the Town Garrison (blue unit), poor quality troops. Violace's Brigade would also be somewhat under-manned due to the heavy fighting of a few days earlier.
The Game was to end after 12 turns, or when both sides reached Exhaustion Point (EP) as per The Portable Napoleonic Wargame.
The objectives for the two commanders were as follows:
Violace (violet) - one unit must retreat from the table (top of board) at the end of turns 4, 6 and 8. This represents their forces retreating in good order back to Vizalves. The SP of the units exiting would count towards the total when calculating for EP. Additionally, delay the enemy and do as much damage as possible whilst the main force retreats.
Amarela (yellow) - occupy the village and have two units leave the table in the direction of Vizalves. This was to represent the invading army pushing on in pursuit of any escaping enemy. If possible trap and destroy the enemy force.
The Brigadier's plan is to brush past the enemy on the left flank and get two units to the top of the table before the game ends, plus take and occupy the village with the tough Guards leading the way.
Amarela's force arrives and moves towards the 2 crossing points |
Turn 2 Early artillery action |
Turn 3 Amarela's Infantry push forward taking casualties |
On the left there's fierce fighting around the woods |
Turn 4 the defence looks shaky but Violace's first unit has withdrawn on time |
Turn 5 Heavy casualties on the left stall Amarela's advance |
Turn 5 Violace's forces are marching away leaving token resistance |
Turn 6 Amarela closes in on the village however another Violace unit successfully leaves the table |
Turn 8 The village is captured but Amarela reach EP |
On the left, the remaining Violace troops are free to retire from the field |
A victory for Violace, even though they are still retreating! The bulk of the Brigade were successfully withdrawn and will have time to regroup and set up a defence of Vizalves.
Disappointment for Brigadier Albertos who took the village but failed to pursue the retreating Army of Violace. Having suffered further losses he must await fresh orders from General Karloff.
Attention will now turn to Amarela's Brigade B, marching North towards the primary target of the Campaign.