Saturday 2 April 2022

I'll have two pints of lager and a packet of crisps* please

 (* aka Chips)

"Just stick it on my tab would you Barliman, there's a good fellow"

Apologies for the absence of posts recently. I must confess, since Wanna-Be-Tsar Putin sent the Russian Army to murder, rape and loot (and in many cases die) in Ukraine, I have been somewhat put off my wargaming. Hope to be back again soon with a few ideas for the 3x3 PW. Until then, stay safe and well (you're still better off wearing a mask!)

(In case you're wondering, the Minifigs are (from L to R) SS81, ME4 and ME8).


  1. Indeed…..when you get your mojo back. Troubling times, but some dice rolling cures many a malaise.

  2. I feel much the same as you, so have gone back to Scouting Wide Games, snowball fights and Splafiti skateboard graffiti projects -

    1. Good fun! I really like the Scout figures - very Little Wars

  3. Looking forward to you returning to posting. These figures are lovely. It took me a minute to recognise the wizards, nice conversions- rings of card/paper?

    1. Cheers Tradgardmastare - JRRT always described Gandalf's hat as having a brim so the Minifigs' wizards needed a little addition! I found appropriate sized washers fitted quite well on the original cone hat.

    2. Those conversions are great. Hope to see you back soon.

  4. Those figs conjure up fond memories from happier times, indeed. Nothing amiss in leaning on a bit of nostalgia to cope with current awfulness.

  5. I will await your return sir!. The Putin palava has put many off lately for understandable reasons. I hope your mojo comes back soon.

    1. Cheers Mr Sprinks, hope to be posting something in the near future - April looks like being a complicated month for various reasons but I may manage to sort a lunchtime game, with a side order of soup no doubt!

    2. Sounds like a plan, my bets on oxtail!

  6. Lovely figures. Is the paint job original or a recent addition?

    1. Cheers Ref. This is recent painting though the colour schemes are based on my early teens efforts from back in the 70s!

  7. Nice hattery work.

    I've never been much of one for gaming any period from WWI through to current days, and have grown to be less enamored of even earlier periods, and the tragedy in Ukraine doesn't help. These days I am leaning towards more and more whimsy and less violent/lethal gaming (with cartoon-ish figures, or somewhat silly scenarios such as funny little goblins and gnomes having garden raids), or board games with non-violent themes - currently trying to get into Wingspan (card game about birds).

    This is not meant to be judgmental of other gamers' choices. It's just where my game/hobby notions lie at this time.

    1. Thanks Sir Badger.

      Empathy is a strong force in those that have it. I'm certainly reverting to Fantasy as reality gets darker, and a bit of whimsy is always appealing.

  8. It's a post, so I wouldn;t worry too much about the content. Everone handles life the universe and everything differently.
    Love seeing old Minifigs that at the time they were produced, I couldn't afford.

  9. I used to spend all my pocket money on them!

  10. Nice to see those old minifigs fantasy figures again. Something of a revival going on there.
