Saturday 29 June 2024


 The second game in the OHW mini-campaign (see preceding post) follows. There has been a slight change in the scoring system; the suggestion in Mark Cordone's comment has been taken onboard and so this game will be worth 2 points, game 3 will be 3 points etc. No Exhaustion Point was applied in this game as the scenario lends itself to a savage fight to the finish.

Game 2 Infiltration or, Bushwhacked!

A party of Confederate troops have been out foraging (stealing) for supplies and must make their way back to camp, avoiding Union patrols.


The CSA force starts a mad dash across the board

Union forces are blocking the exit point
Confederate cavalry attempt to cut their way through

With an inevitable Rebel Yell, the Rebs charge in

One Union company falls but the exit is still held...

and help is on the way from the South (ironically)

The Blues close in

and close in again to ensure that there's no escape

The Rebel General slips away disguised as a Fur Trapper

"Onward to Victory!"

Campaign Score Board after 2 games: USA 3 CSA 0


  1. Campaign is coming along nicely, MJT πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ. It’s a tough scenario for the escaping force, I think.

    1. Cheers Martin - the "exit the table via the road" stipulation makes this a very tough game to win for the smaller force

  2. The “blue bellies” are victorious in the second encounter of the campaign. Is a Union victory inevitable? In reality the Union simply had significantly greater resources - both men and equipment.
    FWIW I recognise many of your soldiers from my youth << Sigh >>

    1. Thanks Geoff. The situation could change in the next encounter!
      The Airfix ACW figures are some of my favourites - the original sets I had fought many battles on a wallpaper pasting table at my grandparents house!

  3. Things are starting to look a bit grim for the gray backs after losing the opening engagement of the campaign, and now likely running short of supplies. Still, a victory could restore their fortunes.

    1. Thanks to your suggestion regarding the scoring, the CSA's situation could quickly be reversed in the next encounter.

  4. Interesting and exciting !
    Alan Tradgardland
