Sunday 30 June 2024


 The first two games of this OHW mini-campaign have seen the Federal Army dominant; in the third game, however, the North finds itself very much on the back-foot. In this scenario, the winner is the side in control of the hill at turn 15.

Game 3 Fighting Retreat, or the defence of Dunce's Hill

Part of the Union Army has become separated from the main force and is hurrying back to join them, pursued by a stronger Confederate contingent. Spotting what he hopes is a defendable hill, Colonel Brandon leads his men across a pair of fords...

The Blues rush towards the hill.
The light green area is marsh, impassable to all units.

The CSA in hot pursuit 

The Federal force established on Dunce's Hill 

Artillery opens fire across the river as the CSA infantry close in

Early afternoon and casualties mount on both sides

The Union force is at Exhaustion Point as the Rebs close in

The CSA troops are on the hill

Heroic last stand
Despite the Union force still having a tiny presence on the hill at turn 15, the Umpire ruled that control of the hill was in the hands of the men of the South. A Confederate victory; is this the turning of the tide?

Campaign Score Board after three games: USA 3 CSA 3.
It's all to play for. 


  1. The South strikes back! The playing field now level once again I'm looking forward to the conclusion.

    1. Thanks Mark! Me too. The next game is on a level playing field (apart from the hills!) but the final game is another tricky one, so it could be a nail-biting finish.

  2. Going great!! And another close call….these are clever, well balanced scenarios. Nice report, MJT πŸ™‚πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

    1. Thanks Martin. You know a scenario's good when you can play it again, and again...

  3. The Confederates gave the Yanks a “good ole beatin’ at Dunce’s Hill”, so let’s see how the campaign progresses ⚔️

    1. They did indeed Geoff! But are they just whistlin' Dixie?

  4. This campaign is really inspiring. It makes me want to get my Airfix Civil War figures out and give it a go myself.

    1. Thanks John - you should definitely root out your Airfix figures and give them a turn on the table!

  5. Wonderful game πŸ… thanks very much for sharing. Very inspirational for me to try my own games ACW

    1. Thank you. I'm inspired daily by other people's blogs and it's nice to think that I can do the same.
