Advisory Note

Please Note: This blog contains poorly painted toy soldiers that may offend those of an aesthetically sensitive disposition.

Saturday 9 May 2020

Meet the Family

I found these chaps in the Toybox last weekend and thought I'd daub a bit of paint on them - seemed rude not to. I wanted them to look a bit grubby but they've ended up a touch grubbier than I expected! 
Otherwise, nothing much to report. I'm waiting for a new bulb for my Magnifier/Light thing without which I can't see to paint (try to paint) - hopefully it will arrive next week.

Stay safe everyone

Naked ambition


  1. Clearly there is something off camera to the right , as the bloke at that end looks quite anxious that he is about to get smacked by it.

    Excellent work - these look great.
    What varnish/finish do you use for these?

  2. Matt acrylic paint, brown ink and then a gloss varnish
    I think there may have been a sabre toothed domestic mogey approaching...

  3. Lovely find sir. Excellent job with the painting too, you have really brought out their character.

    1. Thanks Mr Sprinks, they're characterful figures

  4. Unfortunately, I believe that I begin to look like these glorious ancestors, after 6 weeks in confinement without barber... ;-)

  5. Great work, I look forward to seeing what you will use them for.

    1. Thanks! I think they are going to pop up in Fantasy or Pulp skirmish games, as soon as I get the table back (both of our tables are still being utilized as "Offices"!!)

  6. I like these a lot and as grubby as any well-dressed cro-magnon or primate etc. should look !
    ANy idea of the manufacturer and 'scale' -they're 'new' to me.

    1. Thanks Joe. If I remember correctly they were 28mm Neanderthals made by the Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Co. I checked their web-site but they only have a very limited range these days. I will have a root around at home and see if I can track down anything else I have by HLBS.

  7. Ils sont superbes, magnifique travail!
