Advisory Note

Please Note: This blog contains poorly painted toy soldiers that may offend those of an aesthetically sensitive disposition.

Tuesday 23 July 2024


 The retreating Albionians are nearing the border with their own territory, and the end to their disastrous adventure pursuing the Slave Traders. The road ahead, however, seems to be blocked. The objective of this scenario is for the Albionian force to exit three units via the road.

As they approach the enemy, a scout rides up to warn the Albionian Commander that a larger force of Uqbalistanis are approaching from the Right Flank.

Game 4: Flank Attack (1)

Retreat? No! A strategic withdrawal (at the double)

Vulture's eye view of the two forces
A Line Infantry battalion is left to counter the flanking force

They prudently withdraw under heavy fire

More units get drawn into the fight on the flank

The Dragoons have smashed through the road block!

The Guards and the Rifles prepare to follow the Cavalry!

The objective achieved, the Line Infantry and the MacGuffins are left to fight their way out

and succeed in extricating themselves from their exhausted foe. 

Campaign Scoreboard: KU 6 AAU 4

The surviving Albionians march towards the nearby river crossing that marks the border, hotly pursued by a fresh force from the Kingdom of Uqbalistan...


  1. Another good one, MJT, and a finely executed extrication 🙂. Is that 6-4 now?
    Q. Do you deploy at random or ‘best option’ for each side?

    1. Thanks Martin. I use the Random Army generator in OHW but tweak it to fit the units I have.

  2. A victory in the finale battle may yet salvage things. Despite the one sided start it looks to be coming down to the wire.

    1. It all hinges on the last game Mark, which is how I like it!

  3. Even an Albionian win in the final battle would still require a fair bit of “positive spin” in the newspapers at home. Initial defeats, followed by a sad scurry back to the border hardly suggests victory.
    Let’s see what happens in the final battle… ⚔️⚔️

    1. Unmitigated disaster! Let's hope that they can get away without too many more casualties...
