Advisory Note

Please Note: This blog contains poorly painted toy soldiers that may offend those of an aesthetically sensitive disposition.

Friday 26 July 2024


 In which, the retreating Albionian force crosses the river into their own territory (pursued by the Uqbalians), and turn to make a stand. The surviving cavalry have been sent to get help.

Game 5: Fighting Retreat

The Albionians have crossed the river and are heading for the hill
The green bit is impassable wetland - there is a ford at each end of the river

The Army of Uqbalistan begins to cross the river

The Rifles turn and fire 

The Albionians open fire as their attackers assemble

The attack is underway by midday 

Despite putting up a stout defence, the Albionians are suffering

A Last Stand?

Both sides reach Exhaustion Point

Neither side had total control of the objective (the hill) when the bugles of the approaching Albionian Relief Force were heard. The force from Uqbalistan retreated across the river having driven the colonial troops out of their land, and leaving few to recount the tale of their disastrous mission.

The Umpire generously split the points for the final game between the two sides as neither gained complete control of the objective.

Final Campaign Scoreboard: KU 8.5 AAU 6.5


  1. A very plausible result and an interesting campaign.

    1. Thanks Mark - I enjoyed the challenge of making some sort of story from a random selection of scenarios and outcomes.

  2. A very fair decision from the Gods of Battle - the Uqbalis certainly deserved the overall win….close game, though!
    Were the generals and EPs ‘standard’ in this one?

    1. General's quality were the same as the last battle; EPs were both 33%. The Victory condition for this one relies on one deciding what "the side controlling the hill" means; open to interpretation! In future I must remember to write down a more precise definition of what constitutes control before I start....

  3. At the end of the day the Albionians can hardly claim they have “covered themselves in glory” in this campaign. Will the opposing armies now stand off and accept a status quo? Or will they use the coming months/years to regroup, rebuild and reorganise before they can “have at it” again? Only time will tell…
    Geoff ⚔️

    1. No indeed Geoff, it all went horribly wrong and not at all as I expected, which was very satisfying!
