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Please Note: This blog contains poorly painted toy soldiers that may offend those of an aesthetically sensitive disposition.

Sunday 28 July 2024


 The following action was based on a game that featured in Wargame Tactics by Charles Grant, namely The Battle of Fiddler's Bottom. As in the original, neither side has artillery support and the two sides are of equal strength and composition; in this case, 6 units of line infantry, 4 units of cavalry and 2 units of Light Infantry. The rules were an experimental variant of OHW rules. Units initial dispositions were based on the original.


Army Red has sent a relief force to break the siege of a nearby town. Their route is blocked at Pleasant Valley by a force from Army Blue. The objective for Army Red is to exit at least six units (half of their force) across the North edge of the battlefield to form a viable relief force. The game length is 10 turns.

Pleasant Valley - The Battlefield

 The Battle

General Wells (Army Blue) had been ordered to block the approaching Red relief force at any cost. Situating himself on the high ground at Grimstone Ridge, which commanded a fine view of the valley and the large farm complex of Fiddler's Bottom, he ordered his cavalry to form up on his right and the Infantry to hold the ridge. He dispatched one unit of Light Infantry to the wooded area known as Grant's Copse in case the enemy should attempt to slip any troops past to the West. Assuming that the hedges and buildings in the farm area would slow down any units sufficiently, he determined that no troops need be sent there.
General Orderves (Army Red) planned to throw everything forward and smash his way through the blocking force.

Opening positions

Red's Light Infantry scramble into the farm

Blue holds back the tide

Blue's cavalry under pressure

Red's Light Infantry have passed through the farm...

and exit the battlefield. General Orderves leads his Guard Cavalry into combat

A Red Infantry unit has also exited and the cavalry look like they may too

Disaster for Red! Too many losses make victory impossible

General Orderves flees the field. Army Blue victory.

Had Red used his Light Infantry to engage the enemy before exiting the outcome may have been different, then again the dice may have fallen differently... 
A fun scenario, however this rule variant proved to be a bit too fast to provide a truly satisfying game, though some elements will be retained. On to the next battle.


  1. Would the game have played better with less units (thus allowing for the possibility of greater opportunity for manoeuvre)?
    As it was the Red plan of a front assault against the Blue army of similar size & composition was never likely to be easy.
    Still, the Red’s came close but (as someone will likely say, given that the Olympic Games are happening at the moment) they “fell at the final hurdle” 🤣
    I half expected, when I saw the words “Pleasant Valley” - especially as you published this blog entry on a Sunday - that there might have been some sort of reference to The Monkees.
    A tad contrived, I know 😉

  2. Pleasant Valley Sunday 🎵 was the inspiration for the place name!
    The large forces were based on the original game - it would definitely be worth a try with different sized armies, perhaps weighed towards the Relief force.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. tin S.28 July 2024 at 19:56
    Nicely reported, Mr William H. Russell 😁. Close game again.
    Was this OHW a bit like the ‘Two Kills Option’ from DPW? (or another OHW variation you’re working on?).

    1. Yes a 2 kill variant. I built in Generals along the lines of PW - adds a bit of colour.
      Russell 😆

    2. Excellent. Do Generals give +1 to all dice, or an extra dice (eg)?

    3. I just played +1 for one of the dice thrown, which can be more than a single depending on the unit type.

  5. A game worth of a replay to have the light infantry engage maybe?

    1. Thanks Peter. I'd been meaning to play this for years and would very much like to play it again.

  6. A nice battle report. I think it might be worth a replay with different tactics, and less units or a bigger board. What rules variant did you use?

    1. Cheers Mark. The rules were a bit like the 3 hit variant of OHW only a 2 hit, with a few tweaks for grids and Generals. Another version to be tried soon (hopefully)

    2. Thanks. Sounds kinda like my 2 hit Big Battles Small Armies Portable Wargames variant. I would be interested in seeing them once you work them out to your satisfaction.

    3. I'm probably struggling to reinvent the wheel again!

    4. We ALL do THAT!! (…just sometime we don’t know we’re doing it 🙃). Nice to mix n match with rules…you get a bit of variety in your games 👍🏼👍🏼

    5. I wouldn't say reinventing, rather having the right sized wheel for your particular vehicle.
