Having enjoyed a game of my (version 2) fantasy variant for One Hour Wargames on Friday, I gave it another go yesterday with the aim of testing out the Magic Use system. The version 1 rules had included magical creatures but no actual magic use so I have adopted the Magic from Swords, Sorcery & Spells (see Portable Wargame Compendium by Bob Cordery - here).
The game featured an attacking army of Wild Men with their Druid and a defending Dwarf army including their Wizard. The scenario was #3 from OHW, Control the River. The objective for both sides was to be in control of the two crossing points by Turn 15.
Both sides arrive |
Fighting on both bridges |
The Dwarf Wizard lobs a fireball across the River |
The Dwarves have cleared the West bridge but have left the East crossing poorly protected |
The Dwarf attack seems to be gaining momentum in the West, while the East bridge is still held |
Magic Users are vulnerable, especially to lucky throws from Infantry Units! |
The Dwarves press home their advantage |
While the Wild Men run out of options |
The Dwarves control both bridges, the Wild Men are down to 1 hit point and call it a day |
With the current ranges I allow for spells, it was difficult to manoeuvre the Magic Users into a position where they could fire off spells without firing into melees (which I don't allow) in this game (though the same could be said for archers I guess). I think I'm going to extend the ranges and give them another go. Magic Users are suitably (in my opinion) vulnerable to attack by all units (they could choose to shield themselves though this costs them spells).
Happy Easter Everyone.