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Please Note: This blog contains poorly painted toy soldiers that may offend those of an aesthetically sensitive disposition.

Saturday 20 July 2024


 The arrival of forces in the OHW scenario 17 is dependent on the roll of 4-6 on a d6. When this is only happening for the opposing side, unfortunate events can occur.

"God Save the King!"
The King of Albionia discusses recent dispatches with his General Staff

For the remaining games in this Mini Campaign I'm testing a new rule that has come about through comments from Geoff (aka Elliesdad): this relates to a Commander's quality. Each General throws a d6 before the game starts and applies the following:

6 equals General is classed as Inspiring - The usual +1 applies to the unit that the General is with, the Army EP is set at 40%

4 or 5 General is Average but experienced - The usual +1 applies to the unit that the General is with, the Army EP is set at 30%

2 or 3 General is Average but inexperienced - +1 applies to the unit that the General is with for a single unit type only (roll d6 1-2 Infantry, 3-4 Cavalry, 5-6 Artillery), the Army EP is set at 30%

1 equals General is Poor quality - No bonus is applied and EP is set at 25%.

For the following battle the General for the Kingdom of Uqbalistan was Inspiring. The General for Albionia was Average and had been promoted up from the Cavalry, only applying a bonus when imbedded with Cavalry units.

 Game 3 Encounter

The Albionian Army is still trying to extricate itself from Uqbalistan. Both sides are looking to take control of a strategic hill however their units are arriving piecemeal. 

The first units arrive and head for the hill

Weight of numbers is already one-sided

Another unit of Albionians has turned up

and gets onto the hill

only to be destroyed

Late in the day, the army of Uqbalistan have total control of the objective

Albionian fire begins to dent the enemy but confidence has collapsed and Exhaustion Point arrives

Day's end - another victory for Uqbalistan

 Campaign Scoreboard: KU 6 AAU 0

The Albionians now need to win the last two battles to avoid defeat. Recent events suggest that this is unlikely.


  1. Jeez - the Albionians really aren’t having any luck, are they? The campaign has been a bit of a disaster so far, with the unruly locals obtaining the upper hand. Of course, the Albionians still need to extract their remaining forces from this colonial quagmire …

    1. However good the motives, sending an army uninvited into another state can go badly it seems! However, the Albionian Army of Uqbal still has time to turn things around and grab a victory out of the slavering jaws of defeat, thanks to the scoring system kindly donated by Mark Cordone (nine points still available).

  2. Interesting suggestions for leaders. I really like the idea of areas of expertise. Should the expedition meet a grim end, I would guess unrest will spread.

    1. Thanks Mark. I saw the idea for Commanders having bonuses for specific arms some time ago but I can't remember where.

  3. Better call in Sir Garnet Morris-Austin, methinks….😁

  4. PS- nice idea, the randomised leader+EP combo 👍

    1. A bit more randomness for Solo gaming perhaps

  5. Nice innovation to add to rules
    Great looking game

    1. Thanks very much - more to follow soon hopefully
