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Please Note: This blog contains poorly painted toy soldiers that may offend those of an aesthetically sensitive disposition.

Saturday 17 August 2024



Having purchased a PDF copy of the Third Portable Wargame Compendium, and duly printing and binding it (there is still a reason for going to work, other than paying the bills), I was keen to start using my purchase. I thus gave Mark Cordone's Big Battles, Small Armies a run through. Put simply, this is an expanded 3x3PW on a bigger board with a morale system.

The first thing to tackle was the recording of Day and Night turns, as Big Battles may take longer than a standard wargame day. Enter the Amazing, Non-Mechanical Turnometer (Patent Pending, prototype Summer Variant model shown in the illustration). I have assumed two Night turns for Summer though this may not be the author's intent.


In the time honoured tradition for testing a new system, I chose to use Donald Featherstone's Basic Battle 1, just Infantry on each side. Both sides had 4 Infantry units and a General; I therefore gave them each 5 Army Morale Points (though the General may not count as a unit so this may have been incorrect??)

Day 1 Turn 2 - The red and blue dice show the Army Morale

The two armies shoot at each other over the random hedge
The hedge offered no cover for musket fire, though would for melee
Day 1 Turn 7 - the sun is setting and Red has suffered hits, 
one unit destroyed and one unit damaged

During the night Red's damaged unit managed to rally 1SP

Day 2 Turn 1 - Red's firing pushes Black units back

Both sides take hits

Afternoon of Day 2 - Red's morale is failing

Red's Army Morale reaches 0 - defeat and retreat

I played a completely static game to get a feel for the rules which worked ok, though I have a few queries, for example what happens at night? Should the forces remain where they are (I did this) or should they fall back a set distance eg one grid? As Red's damaged unit regained an SP over night, I restored an Army Morale point, was this correct? It felt right so I did it. I count firing as an action, like moving, so when a side rolls a 1 for example, only 1 unit can move OR fire; I'm not sure if that's what is intended in the rules? Units in melee I would allow to fight without using actions??
Apart from my slight confusion with some of the rules, this was an enjoyable first go at BB,SA and it's a system I will explore some more.


  1. Yes, I leave the troops where they are overnight unless the general uses an action to move them. Yes, recovered strength points add to army morale, as do strength points from units that arrive as reinforcements. Units do not need to spend an action to fire. Units in melee continue to fight on each players turn until one side or the other retreats or is eliminated, no action required. Glad you enjoyed your test, I'd be very interested in a battle report with full armies and some terrain, along with any feedback it generates.

    1. Brilliant, thanks Mark! I intend fighting a larger H&M battle before having a go at an "Ancients" version.

  2. Small steps to learn the rules and then add more variety as you become more familiar. A wise move. So far I’ve only managed a quick flick through 3PWC, as I’ve been distracted by domestic chores… ☹️

    1. Cheers Geoff. It's another fine addition to the PW family, full of ideas.
      The tyranny of domestic chores! I can only empathize.

  3. Maudlin Jack -
    Methinks I'll have something to look forward to once I get hold of my copy of the 'Green Compendium'! The Bulgars are getting restless...

    On the issue of overnight, it is my usual habit to place a little distance between opposing armies. The defender remains in situ; the attack withdraws a grid space, say. How practical this is on a 6x6 board, I've yet to discover.

    One question: what army sizes (in terms of units) does this system suggest? The 12 elements of, say, a DBA army strikes me as a little on the much side, unless the 6x6 battlefield also has the flank and rear zones that are features of the 3x3.

    1. I intended for 6x6 games to feature armies of 6-8 units.

    2. Cheers Ion. I've never employed Night moves before so it's something I'll have to experiment with - on a grid of 8x8 or more I would probably lean towards withdrawing forces that are not defending a fixed position.
