Advisory Note

Please Note: This blog contains poorly painted toy soldiers that may offend those of an aesthetically sensitive disposition.

Saturday 3 August 2024


 The Fiddler's Bottom game has been replayed, this time using my original 3 hit version of OHW Horse & Musket, plus a bonus for embedded Generals. This time the attacking force out numbered the defenders. Again no specific artillery units were present. To win Red need to exit 3 units within 10 turns.

The opening position

Early cavalry clashes have taken their toll for Blue

Red's Infantry move forward cautiously.
Red cavalry have brushed aside the Blues.

Red in a position to exit three units

Red almost reaches his objective, luckily as casualties are high 

Red achieves his objective and is victorious!


  1. Far better result for Red this time. Did Blue have worse luck, combined with fewer troops?

    1. Blue's dice throwing started poorly but picked up by the end - too late to stop the Red force exiting sufficient numbers. I'm going to keep the General's bonus rule as I rather like it.

  2. As Martin mentioned above, Red performed much better on this occasion. Once Blue’s cavalry were swept away then the road to victory was clear ⚔️⚔️

    1. Indeed, Blue's Cavalry were shockingly bad in this game!
