Advisory Note

Please Note: This blog contains poorly painted toy soldiers that may offend those of an aesthetically sensitive disposition.

Monday 9 September 2024


 Just added to the hobby library today, and acquired for €5.39 from WOB (I wasn't aware that it existed until it was mentioned by Brian Carrick):

Published in 1991 by Argus books and running to 112 pages, the book is mainly a Listing of companies producing metal figures in the Toy Soldier style starting in the 1970s through to publication date. Lots of black and white pictures plus some lovely pages of colour photographs. I'm not intending to start collecting, but it's a really nice book just to look at!


  1. Hi MJT, That was a very good buy, with S.A's signature too. This might sound strange, but something I like about 'interior designers' is that they believe books aren't just to stack on shelves. They can be ornaments in their own right. I think this is an ornament, a collectable, a reference book, and something to occasionally browse through....... now that beats any coffee table magazine!
    Michael (Wargaming with....)

  2. This is one of my favourite Toy Soldier books because of the sheer variety of manufacturers cover and the subjects. When I started Imperial Miniatures it was invaluable to understand the history of the hobby and industry.

    1. Mike, flipping through the Listings section at lunchtime I was amazed at how many companies there were producing Toy Soldier style figures at the beginning of the 1990s.

  3. Excellent purchase, hurrah!
    Alan Tradgardland

  4. Toy soldiers aren’t cheap though. This is a rabbit hole down which I mustn’t go…
