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Sunday, 16 February 2025

Background (or what you will)

 Back in October last I experimented with the Hare & Hounds mini-campaign set-up that Bob Cordery had posted. At the time I suggested that I'd like to do something similar but using a campaign board that more resembled a map. I'm now in a position to start just such a project and this post is an introduction to the setting.

The subject of this mini-campaign is the Illyrian invasion of Messaline and takes place in the mid Nineteenth Century. It's inspiration is the Trevor Nunn film adaptation of Twelfth Night which is set in an imaginary late Nineteenth Century Illyria, which is at war with a country named Messaline. The Campaign Map and notes on the setting follow as jpeg files - click to open and enlarge.

The next post will expand the notes with the Campaign rules and first map moves (and any resulting action).

The Campaign Board 

Notes on the Campaign Setting

Illyria's objective (hold all land inside the red oval at the end of hostilities)


  1. I think that this has lots of potential … and I’m pleased to see that you are pursuing and developing this concept after the Christmas gap.

    All the best,


    1. Thanks Bob. I thoroughly enjoyed the first run through with these rules and definitely wanted another go.

  2. Great to see another campaign on the go, MJT. 👍🏼. Will you be using 3x3 for the battles, or your C19th OHW on a Grid rules on a larger battlefield?

  3. This looks very interesting, I'm looking forward to seeing how the campaign progresses.

    1. Thanks Mark - the first couple of map moves have been made and battle is joined!
      Having played these campaign rules in an "Ancients" setting I am keen to see how they work in a different era.

    2. Wow…it’s all kickin’ off in the Illyria part of the world….! Looking forward to the reports 🙂🎲⚔️🎲⚔️

    3. Should be receiving dispatches later this week Martin...

  4. Nice - I look forward to reading news of developments.
    Do the armies comprise just “bog standard” troops, or do any have special abilities? I’m thinking, for example, of troops such Greek evzones - elite light infantry.

    1. Thanks Geoff - I'm only going to be using Average troops for this campaign (other than town garrisons which are poor, but don't get to move anyway). I only allow Light Infantry to operate in forests so they have that advantage.

  5. This looks to be a very promising campaign!

    1. Thanks Ion - I find there's always a bit of doubt at the start of a campaign; will an invasion work or will it fizzle out after the first engagements?
