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Please Note: This blog contains poorly painted toy soldiers that may offend those of an aesthetically sensitive disposition.

Saturday, 22 March 2025

God Emperor! Rise of Rome...

 God Emperor! is my version of the clever Campaign system Augustus, devised by Mark Cardone (on the PW FB). I have set mine in the Roman Republic, where a new tyrant has scrambled his way to power and is attempting to create an empire for Rome, and a place in history for himself (hoping to end his reign as God Emperor). 

Map of potential territories to conquer 

So far (for speed) I've been resolving battles using Dominion of the Spear rules (available here).

The first battle (played yesterday lunchtime) was fought using blocks (thin printed card units using Junior General images glued onto MDF bases - an idea stolen from David Crook) while others have been played on the PC.

Block units (image is a bit poor due to bad light)

Battle fought on the PC

So far my would be Emperor has struggled but has just managed to grab his first territory; will he manage to keep it? Here's his progress to date (click on the image to make it more legible).
The final tally of Glory Points (GP) will determine how history judges the ruler.


  1. That all looks rather nice 👏👏
    In a similar manner it has occurred to me that I could use John Graham-Leigh’s Simple Campaigning rules (published by the Society of Ancients) - specifically “The Calamitous Fourteenth Century” - to generate areas of conflict, where battles will occur and THEN fight those battles using the Dominion of the Spear (DotS).
    The outcomes of the battles can then be fed back into the SC rules and the campaign then continues. Rather helpfully DotS has “army lists” for the relevant armies, so that’s good. The only slight drawback is that I now have a one month old grandson who quite likes being pushed around the park by his grandad… Oh well 😊

    1. Thanks Geoff. Using DotS or the 3x3 PW to resolve Campaign battles definitely moves things along nicely - sounds like you have more important things to do however!

  2. All hail, Imperator Maudlinus! Lovely little campaign, there. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
    Do you intend to extend it any further, or are you just happy to have survived to this point (and in great shape, too 🙂👍🏼)? Nice one….

    1. Cheers Martin. Yes the intention is to keep going and see where GM ends up (probably the dustbin of history!)

    2. GM’s fate being decided by the GM….only in wargaming. 🙂 . Hope Gaius remembers to keep the Praetorian Guard on side……⚔️

  3. Looks great! I'm looking forward to the next installment. Glad you found my campaign framework useful.

    1. Thanks Mark. I like the system a lot and will probably post my version in the next episode. I was thinking of possibly running two Empires at once (eg Macedonia and Persia) and see how they clash as they expand (or not depending on how they get on).

    2. That sounds interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing your modifications.

  4. Maudlin Jack -
    One of those campaigns that be carried along indefinitely - a story in which not even the author knows how - or if - it will end. Great fun!

    I daresay something might have to be done about those seafaring pirates of Illyricum...

    1. Cheers Ion! Potentially a long story, unless the barbarians over run Rome!
