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Please Note: This blog contains poorly painted toy soldiers that may offend those of an aesthetically sensitive disposition.

Sunday 8 May 2022

Spring Update

 Nothing much to report other than a couple of recent rule-set acquisitions. As Bob Cordery has recently uploaded PDFs to Wargame Vault, I made a couple of purchases there, and my copy of the Portable Wargame Compendium has arrived!

King Elessar (aka Aragorn / Strider) calls the Army of Gondor to arms


  1. Excellent. I must pick these up. I hadn't realised there was a sword and sorcery variant :)

  2. Yes indeed - enjoy! Send me your thoughts/comments

  3. Some new reading material is always welcome.

    1. It is! I have a ridiculously large collection of rules but I never tire of reading more

  4. Congrats on getting the Swords, Sorcery and Squares rules into print. The Compendium looks really good 👍🏼✔️✔️✔️

    1. Cheers Martin - Bob has brought together a really great mix of rules and ideas in the Compendium. I hope there will be lots more volumes like this!

  5. I have been eyeballing The Portable Wargame Compendium, especially for the different 3x3 rules. I have fallen way behind in how the rules work and how with my current time restraints these rules might just be what I need now.

    1. The original 3x3 PW rules and lots of variations are featured in the PW Compendium - great for quick games and would suit your 15mms well John

  6. Looks like another perchance is afoot!. Congrats on getting the rules out there.

    1. Cheers Mr Sprinks - any gaming happening?

    2. Not alot alas, time is rather sparse for hobby stuff at the mo.

  7. Hi Maudlin Jack Tar. Thanks for your PW fantasy rules, which I picked up in hard copy a few weeks back….And having made the random event cards and finally painted up the required-but-missing commander and magician for the Dark/evil/baddies side, I’m planning to run the rules out next week, using a scenario from the ‘red’ book (‘The Important Bridge’ from Scenarios for All Ages). Have had to tweak the Asquith/Grant army lists, as they’re very much Horse n Musket orientated, but hoping I haven’t unbalanced things. Cheers!,

  8. Martin. Sounds great! Looking forward to seeing what happens. Any comments on the rules are gladly received. I'm currently slowly painting some fantasy figures myself.
