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Please Note: This blog contains poorly painted toy soldiers that may offend those of an aesthetically sensitive disposition.

Friday 25 October 2024


 Turn 5 of the Hare & Hounds board Mini-Campaign did not start well for the beleaguered Tribal Confederation. The Mobilization dice roll at the end of Turn 4 was very much in favour of the Vard Republic...

Position at the start of Turn 5

A green die roll of 1, added to 4 for the current turn number, meant that a new Vard Legion could be mobilized at the beginning of Turn 5, whereas the tribesmen will have to wait until Turn 9 to see another force appear. 

Two battles took place in Turn 5. The Brocolii attacked Legion II, and Legion III attacked the Coronithi again.

The Third Battle

The Brocolii v Legion II

Starting positions

A familiar battlefield (see game 1) awaited the adversaries, however the Brocolii Warlord was much more cautious than the impetuous (and now deceased) leader of the Anacondi tribe.

Early stages of the battle

Once casualties started to rise, both sides withdrew at a point where the fighting had lulled due to retreats (a dice roll was used to determine this).

The Fourth Battle

Coronithi v Legion III

Legion III advanced into the square containing the Coronithi tribes town. In the Campaign rules Towns have a garrison of 1 (poor quality) Infantry that must remain in the town but may obviously defend; Capitals have a garrison of 2 (average) Infantry. To give the defenders a slightly better chance, 2 (poor quality) Infantry garrisoned the Coronithi town. A total of 2 units plus a General may occupy the town.

Opening positions

The Vard Legion III had two units of archers, and under the supervision of their General, they started to pepper the town garrison with arrows whilst the Infantry units held the Coronithi main army on the flanks. The Coronithi warlord took refuge in the town, though may have wished he'd supported units in the field. The town counts as a defended built-up area - assume there's a palisade around the huts! 

After losing a third of his force, plus the bulk of the town garrison, the Coronithi chief decided that he would be better served by abandoning the town for a while, and withdrew. The Vard Legion III took the town intact.

Time to leave!

The position at the end of Turn 5 looked like this

With the remaining tribal armies being pushed back towards their capital, and another Legion on its way, the Confederacy is in crisis...


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