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Please Note: This blog contains poorly painted toy soldiers that may offend those of an aesthetically sensitive disposition.

Friday 18 October 2024


 The second battle of my Hare & Hounds mini-campaign has been fought.

The overall position before the battle

Legion III of the Vard and the Coronithi tribe face each other, generally, across a battlefield with a wooded area in its centre. 

As I'm only allowing Archers to enter woodland, both generals place their archers opposite the wooded area, hoping to get their missile units under cover.

Army composition has been randomly determined prior to the start of the campaign.

Legion III has 4 Infantry units and 2 units of Archers. The Coronithi have 3 Infantry, 1 Cavalry and 2 Archer units.

The luck of the initiative die sees the Coronithi take possession of the woods and a fire fight ensues - both sides locate their c-in-c with the Archer units to obtain a bonus. The Vard infantry advance on both sides of the field.

 The damage from arrow fire is fairly equal, despite the Coronithi being in cover. The rest of the forces engage in hand to hand combat. The Coronithi general keeps one eye on the melees as he is understandably concerned with so many enemy forces being to his rear.

As the day wears on, the Coronithi decide that discretion really is the better part of valour and begin to withdraw.

At the first opportunity then the Coronithi have disengaged and left the battlefield to the Vard.

The situation at the beginning of Turn 3

During Turns 3 and 4, Legions II and III and the Coronithi tribe recuperate; the walking wounded are treated and those who have become detached from their units return (sometimes under pressure). In other words, the Army strengths are returned to their starting positions. To do this they must remain in the squares that they were in at the end of battle. The Brocolii tribe, having not yet entered the fray, are free to move and do so, approaching the now re-established Legion II.

The situation at the end of Turn 4

Before moving on to Turn 5, one slight change to my original Campaign Rules has been made. At the end of Turn 4 both sides roll a D6. The number scored is added to 4 and the total equals the Turn Number on which a fourth Army is mobilized; originally this was going to automatically appear on Turn 10 but I thought an element of randomness might be more fun.

The mobilized army will be made of retired veterans and raw recruits so will consist of mainly poor quality units.

The Vard have so far proven to be consistent in their fighting ability; will the Brocolii turn the tide?

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