Having purchased a PDF copy of the Third Portable Wargame Compendium, and duly printing and binding it (there is still a reason for going to work, other than paying the bills), I was keen to start using my purchase. I thus gave Mark Cordone's Big Battles, Small Armies a run through. Put simply, this is an expanded 3x3PW on a bigger board with a morale system.The first thing to tackle was the recording of Day and Night turns, as Big Battles may take longer than a standard wargame day. Enter the Amazing, Non-Mechanical Turnometer (Patent Pending, prototype Summer Variant model shown in the illustration). I have assumed two Night turns for Summer though this may not be the author's intent.
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Turnometer |
In the time honoured tradition for testing a new system, I chose to use Donald Featherstone's Basic Battle 1, just Infantry on each side. Both sides had 4 Infantry units and a General; I therefore gave them each 5 Army Morale Points (though the General may not count as a unit so this may have been incorrect??)
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Day 1 Turn 2 - The red and blue dice show the Army Morale |
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The two armies shoot at each other over the random hedge The hedge offered no cover for musket fire, though would for melee |
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Day 1 Turn 7 - the sun is setting and Red has suffered hits, one unit destroyed and one unit damaged |
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During the night Red's damaged unit managed to rally 1SP |
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Day 2 Turn 1 - Red's firing pushes Black units back |
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Both sides take hits |
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Afternoon of Day 2 - Red's morale is failing |
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Red's Army Morale reaches 0 - defeat and retreat |
I played a completely static game to get a feel for the rules which worked ok, though I have a few queries, for example what happens at night? Should the forces remain where they are (I did this) or should they fall back a set distance eg one grid? As Red's damaged unit regained an SP over night, I restored an Army Morale point, was this correct? It felt right so I did it. I count firing as an action, like moving, so when a side rolls a 1 for example, only 1 unit can move OR fire; I'm not sure if that's what is intended in the rules? Units in melee I would allow to fight without using actions??
Apart from my slight confusion with some of the rules, this was an enjoyable first go at BB,SA and it's a system I will explore some more.