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Please Note: This blog contains poorly painted toy soldiers that may offend those of an aesthetically sensitive disposition.

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Beginning 2025

 We left the latest mini-campaign (in 2024) at the end of Turn 1; The Vardian Empire had invaded the Salarin Caliphate and taken control of Marhacan Province by defeating the Salarin's Army 1 that was stationed there. A counter-attack by Salarin Army 2 had also been defeated by the Vard's (seemingly) unstoppable Legion I.

On Turn 2 Legion I took a rest and it was Legion II that took up the baton. Taking the sea route from Palezaro to Harasta without incident (dice roll, see rules in the first post 
here), Legion II landed and began their advance towards the provincial capital. Blocking their way, however, was Salarin Army 3. 

Once again the Vard started the battle with an impenetrable forest on their left flank; the Salarin General took up position on a hill on his left.

Impetuous Legionaries rush forward and take casualties

The Vard General, an ex-Captain of the Imperial Archers, set up a relentless archery attack on the Salarin force on the hill, trying to encourage them from their defensive position. Meanwhile, his enemy attempted a flank attack on the other side of the battlefield.

With spearmen on the hilltop falling around him, the Salarin General mounted a charge to break the Vard Archers

The Vard were given a bloody nose but held firm and the Salarin retreated back to the top of the hill

The fighting on the rest of the battlefield took a pause as the remaining troops reorganized themselves. 

What was left of Salarin Army 3 congregated on the hill, surrounded by the Vard...

Several (bloody) dice rolls later it was over

Once again the Vard Legions had conquered. The Salarin were invited to become a client state under the 'protection' of the Empire, with all the taxes that such support involves. 

Mark C's Peloponnesian War campaign concept worked well for me as a mini-campaign system and will definitely be used again. The 10mm Ancients will take a break now as I hope to be regaining a little space for painting, post-Christmas. Best wishes for 2025 everyone!


  1. Well, that was a great little mini-campaign. A most effective system 👍🏼.
    Happy New Year, MJT. Good luck with painting progress.

    1. Cheers Martin - Mark's Hoplite! game is perfect for a mini-campaign 👍

  2. Looks great Jack - the campaign rules look superb, and love the map - already thinking Hyborian campaign setting

    1. Cheers Duc - I like the idea of a Hyborian setting for this system very much!

  3. A great, if one sided, campaign. At least the battles were close. I finished painting armies for my imaginations Roman Civil war campaign which will begin shortly. I really liked two of your ideas for the matchbox civil war game, 5 unit armies and no stacking and I am going to borrow them for the campaign. Happy new year, I'm looking forward to many more interesting and inspiring posts in the coming year.

    1. Thanks Mark! Happy New Year to you too, and lets hope we all get lots of games played in 2025

  4. A great ending to a very enjoyable mini-campaign! It’s certainly given me a lot food for thought.

    All the best,


    1. Cheers Bob - Mark's idea is another nice little campaign system for those of us who are pushed for time/space. The battles could of course be played out as much larger games.

  5. The mighty military machine of the Vardian Empire once again rolls forward to further success ⚔️⚔️ All hail the Empire.
    Have you seen the solo ruleset “Dominion of the Spear” on Wargame Vault? It looks like there might be a few ideas I could borrow for my own games.
    All the best for ‘25.

    1. Cheers Geoff, best wishes to you too.
      I don't know those rules but will take a look.

  6. This doesn't look to go the Salarin's way...
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. No it really didn't!! 😁
      A very one sided affair.

  7. Wonderful battles, Well done love the figures

    1. Cheers Quinn! The excellent 10mm figures from Irregular Miniatures are especially good for small battles as they can be bought individually, rather than in a pack of say 30!
